Measuring the Rate of Engagement
Analytics & Knowledge
All of our platforms provide the knowledge you need to create dynamic and relevant marketing campaign strategies. Learn more than ever before about your audience. Their interests, their needs, and what resonates with them most. Then use that information to connect with them in the most informative ways ever.
What interests does your audience have?
We help you learn what content matters most to your target audience.
Do you know who looks at your catalog, or who vists your store or museum? And what interests they have? Measure the level of engagement with all of xinteractive’s mobile tools and platforms.
When you learn what is most relevant to a consumer, you can push information out to them that resonates with them in a meaningful way. Nearly 70% of people surveyed embrace messaging sent to them from companies they have interest in. And of that group, nearly half said they would reply to these messages. This level of engagement and response rate has never been possible until now.
Track the consumers journey from the beginning, and measure the effectiveness of your overall marketing strategy. We provide the knowledge base to fine tune your strategy in real time.
Interact with people in more relevant ways. If you understand their needs better, and they sense that you care about their needs…a bond occurs. It’s the development of this connection and relationship early along that is fostered through this two way interaction.